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Showing posts from March, 2012

Considering Giving it All Up

Well the title pretty much sums it all up :(  The last few weeks have been especially tough and I am considering putting the baby making on hold until I am feeling mentally strong enough to start again.  Have been questioning depression over the last week or so and am beginning to wonder if I may have a mild form. Most days I don't even want to get up, given the choice I could stay buried under the covers for the whole day.  When I do finally get up I have zero motivation to do anything, washing my hair and sorting my appearance is becoming too much of a chore and I am finding myself leaving the house with greasy hair and clothing that is mismatched, dirty and covered in dog hair - Usually I wouldn't leave the house unless I looked at least somewhat presentable as I would rather die of embarrassment then people see me in that state but these days it just doesn't register. My moods seem to spiral from dizzyingly high over silly l...

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Today is a day for me! A lazy day to snuggle on the sofa with the dog and watch DVDs (for which I have a huuuuuge post Christmas pile that hasn't even been approached yet). I would like to say I will over-indulge in sweet treats but thanks to my latest obsession that just isn't going to happen! Not sure if I mentioned but we were told at our last heartbreaking Specialist appointment that DH and I are now classed as unexplained and the only option would be IVF BUT our lovely local PCT will not fund this until we both reach the age of 30, 4 years time :( Clutching at straws I burst out with the fact that DH doesn't stick to his gluten free diet despite being diagnosed as coeliac, remarkably the Specialist didn't seem to think I had gone insane and instead agreed that there could be a very small (she clearly emphasised the small - evil hope dasher) chance that his lack of required diet changes could be having an impact. Clue one very annoyed DH and one seethingly mad m...