Well the title pretty much sums it all up :( The last few weeks have been especially tough and I am considering putting the baby making on hold until I am feeling mentally strong enough to start again. Have been questioning depression over the last week or so and am beginning to wonder if I may have a mild form. Most days I don't even want to get up, given the choice I could stay buried under the covers for the whole day. When I do finally get up I have zero motivation to do anything, washing my hair and sorting my appearance is becoming too much of a chore and I am finding myself leaving the house with greasy hair and clothing that is mismatched, dirty and covered in dog hair - Usually I wouldn't leave the house unless I looked at least somewhat presentable as I would rather die of embarrassment then people see me in that state but these days it just doesn't register. My moods seem to spiral from dizzyingly high over silly l...
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