Borrowing from our US cousins, I decided to do the 30 days of Thankful throughout November. Sometimes it is all too easy to concentrate on what you do not have, instead of what you are thankful for. Every day I posted on both my business and personal facebook pages things I was thankful for. So here it is, from Thursday 1st November (technically I only decided to do it on the 6th, but just back-dated the first 6 posts ;) ) right through to today - Friday 30th November. 30 Days of Thankful - Day One I am thankful for my very loving and supportive Husband 30 Days of Thankful - Day Two I am thankful for my wonderfully large, loving, and amazing family - both those that I am lucky to be related to, and those that have adopted me into their family through my husband. 30 Days of Thankful - Day Three I am thankful for my amazing friends. Without them, I do not know how I would have gotten through the darker parts - you always help me to find the light, and make me smile again...
Living within a tight budget, but still rocking the glam! Follow my blog to receive tips on making your cash stretch further, guides on how to budget smart and most importantly how to still achieve a comfortable lifestyle without putting yourself in the red! Lot's of crafty tutorials and recipes too.