So, last week I shared our initial moving in house post and I promised to share some of the more interesting house quirks (or bodge jobs as the Mr calls them), so here we go! The first thing I noticed when we stepped through the front door with the keys in our hands was that the previous owners had left a lot of random things attached to the walls. There were coat hooks, childrens plaques, mirrors and strangest of all two notice boards in the kitchen. A bit of closer investigation to the notice boards revealed that the previous DIY novices had left it all behind as it was attached with no more nails! I mean seriously, who sticks a light weight cork board to the wall with a heavy grade adhesive when a simple frame hook will do? What were their magnets made of, lead weights?! For those of you that are fortunate enough not to be familiar with this god awful invention, when you try to remove anything that is secured to a wall with it, the damage is so severe that gre...
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