Why is it that complete strangers find it completely acceptable to ask about my family status? I usually am confronted with Mother's whose offspring are running riot in my work-space enquiring about my own children. When I say the standard "oh no, not yet" I get either the smug or pity look whilst they gaze adoringly at the hellish antics their offspring as if I couldn't possibly understand why the naughty behaviour of said sprog is a joy to behold as I don't have children! These women seem to have no understanding of infertility or even the common decency to comprehend that their nosey questions could not only cause offence to those that don't want children but also great upset to those that really do but are unable to achieve that dream.
I kind of feel a bit like Bridget Jones in the dinner party scene, surrounded by smug married couples (or in my case people fortunate enough to be blessed with healthy children) who blather on about the virtues of being married (having children) whilst asking why I am not (or why I don't have children). For those of you that aren't familiar with that awesome scene it's here;
Perhaps next time I should take a leaf out of Bridget's book and when my womanhood is questioned enquire about the statistics of teenage crime or the debt that raising a child brings.
Please don't misunderstand me, I am not having a rant against all Mother's just those that are completely oblivious to the struggles of other's or that feel a woman without children isn't really a woman at all.
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