Now I may have read and loved all the books, seen all the films and been captivated with the idea of a magical world, but before our trip I wouldn't have exactly called myself an extreme Potter fan. I would rather die then go out in a cheap polyester cloak, complete with empty lensed Windsor glasses and a fake lightening bolt scar. That said, I was more then a little excited about our upcoming trip to the Harry Potter studio tour. Once there, I was transformed into a small child, eyes wide with amazement, and a grin so huge I was sure my face was going to split! My inner geek was released and reveling in the ocular feast on display. Chris dislikes Harry Potter with a passion, he does however agree that the special effects of the film are astounding and so wanted to attend to see how it was all done. This was my chance to be his personal tour guide, and I tackled this role with as much gusto as Mary Berry would hosting a WI meeting. T...
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