Yesterday I saw not one, but two different Christmas adverts! Sadly the coke advert wasn't one of them, but as it's my all time favourite Christmas advert, I just had to get my first fix of the year! All of this Christmas talk has definitely got me in the mood to start my Christmas crafting. Technically I started months ago, but admittedly I have done very little. I swore that this year I would be successful, and come hell or high water, I will be!
I have almost finished the knitted pair of baby converse booties for our newest family member, and I am very pleased with how they have turned out. I was planning on making dozens of other hand made gifts, but I am very conscious that most seem to need to be done last minute - not sure how well that will work out! I was tempted to the last two weeks of December off, but I seem to have found myself very booked up with work, definitely can't complain about that!
I am officially off work for two weeks - my first booked holiday of the year! The joys of running my own business mean that although I am technically off, I still have Nurses out working and am open to phone calls and email. I had planned to shut both businesses down, but it's hardly wise to turn down bookings so I am just trying to do as little work as possible (it isn't going well so far).
After getting my Cameo, I started making lots of lovely gift bags. I have now had orders for some Christmas themed bags, money wallets, DVD boxes and even a set of perfume boxes. I'm not counting this as work related, as I am really enjoying the design process!
I am still very much in love with my Cameo, but I am still in the trial and error mode when it comes to cutting settings. The internet has been very useful, but as the majority of Cameo users are US based, it has made conversion somewhat difficult. I have now taken to tweaking my settings, and when I am happy with the result, I will note it down on a post it note and stick to that particular pile of paper. Not very technical, but it's working ;)
A very dear friend is getting married in 11 days! We have very similar tastes and I was asked to come up with a gift bag design for her candy bar. I created this;
The Pumpkin King himself, Jack Skellington! I am still not sure whether or not we will be able to go ahead with this design (I am super busy with other orders), but this bag makes a great addition to all of my Nightmare Before Christmas bits in the office!
I am off to the Harry Potter Studio tour tomorrow! To say I am super excited is a huge understatement! There will be photo's galore on the next post :) I also have recipes to share and yet more Christmas preparation tutorials, so expect a lot of new posts over the next few weeks.
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